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Monday, December 12, 2011

Cerita setelah lama tak update blog

UI.... lama sudah aku x update blog nih....
sepanjang kehidupan aku di UITM part 2 ini,byk benda yang aku belajar...bukan setakat yang berkaitan dengan ilmiah, tetapi juga merangkumi asperk pergaulan , cinta, kecewa dan banyak lagi lah....

Monday, May 9, 2011

9 may 2011

Hari ini merupakan hari yg terakhir aku berada UITM Kota Kinabalu untuk semester 1.....
Esok merupakn hari yg selama ini aku tggu....
setelah sekian lama di perantauan,akhirnya kembali ke tanah air....
tak dapat nk ku expresikan perasaan aku melalui kata-kata....
hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu, betapa gembiranya hati ini...
ingin sahaja aku jeritkan pada dunia......
namun, disebalik kegembiraan itu terselitnya kepiluan....
terasa baru semalam aku menjejakkan kaki di sini.....
begitu pantas masa berlalu......
bermula dengan sebuah pertemuan yang mengukir 1001 kenangan dan pengalaman..........
pengalaman yang mengajar diri ini realiti sebuah kehidupan.....
kepada sahabat-sahabat ku yg sentiasa dalam ingatan,aku dedikasikan ucapan terima kasih kerana setia menemani diri ini sepanjang perjuangan ini...
aku juga ingin memohon seribu kemaafan sekiranya pernah menyinggung perasaan korang....
biasalh...nobody perfect............
insyaALLAH kita akan berjumpa lagi next sem.......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 Mei 2011

Hari ni xtvt kto org mcm biasa.....
igtkn mau g cp hari ni..
tapi, lain yg drancang,lain plak jd nya........
terlajak sampai jam 11.00 am..
bangun2 je,dgr org ketuk pintu...
cakap,"esok ada kelas LAW".
tp,xpe lh jgk kan....
bgus jgk 2....
dapat revise balik apa yg kto org dh blja..
                                                       lgi pun exam utk LAW hari ahad ni.....nervouse i..............

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

1 may 2011

Hari ini hari ahad.....pada hari ni,kto org plan nk p kt tanjung aru beach....
sebelum tu,aku ,nisa n k. Fiah p kt Gaya Street,
cuci2 mata cari keychain utk bwk blik sarawak...
Nabila pulak g jumpa family dekat hotel.....
Mai, Kak Ikin n Un2 g CP...
Jam 2.00pm mcm 2 bru kto org g tnjung aru beach..
memang excited giller lh nk g kt sana 2...
maklumlah lma x g pantai..
biasalah, kte di perantauan ni,kan.
sekali sekala 2 muncul jugak perasaan rindu
pada kampung halaman...
so dengan g pantai 2,terubatlah rindu di dada....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

26 april 2011

hari ni,kto org exam account...Ya  Allah, tuhan saja yang tahu betapa ssahnye soalan yang keluar.....nk cite byk2 pun,dah x guna....yang penting terus mara ke hadapan.................

Monday, April 25, 2011

25 APRIL 2011

Hari ini hari kedua kte orang exam....subjek hari ini mgt417....bukak je kertas soalan tu,terus blurr....nk goreng pun x bleh....sebab memang xde bahan-bahan untuk menggoreng..sebanarnya soalan nya x lah susah sangat.....tapi,akibat daripada tidak mengulangkaji,terima lah padahnya.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

23 aPriL 2011

KesUnyian menyelubungi BilIK A4218.....tIada lgi org yg ketuk pintu dan bertanya......"nurul nya ada?".Tiada lagi org nak kita buli.......
Rasa bru semalam kta bertemu,tapi hari ini dah berpisah........tapi, itu semua nya sudah menjadi lumrah kehidupan.....insyaalah kalau ada umur yang panjang kta akan bertemu kembali......

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


cinta ,
terlalu indah untuk dipermainkan
terlalu kejam untuk di bunuh
terlalu baik untuk tunduk kepadanya
cinta akan indah jika kita tahu itu cinta
kerana Allah

.:Ketika Hati Menangis

ketika hati sedang menangis
hanya Engkau saja yang tahu
betapa merananya diriku
tak mungkin yang lain tahu….

ketika mereka meninggalkan aku
sendiri terkapai-kapai
ketika dunia tiada simpati
Kau tetap mendengar rintihanku
padaMu tempatku menagih kasih
ketenangan kurasa mendekatiMu
syahdu malam tak terasa sunyi..

ketika aku dalam kepayahan
keseorangan dihimpit beban derita
Kau beri aku kesabaran
pengalaman mengajar erti kematangan
lantas Kau membuka pintu hatiku
untuk memberi kemaafan
pada mereka yang pernah melukakanku..
pada mereka yang terus melukakanku…
dan pada mereka yang tersedar kerna melukakan…

ketika aku buntu
keliru dengan masa depanku
kau berikan aku kekuatan
Kau tunjukkan aku jalan
peluang kedua yang sungguh bermakna
sebagai suluh hidupku
menebus usia yang sia-sia
mengganti semalam yang pergi
memperbaiki kelemahan diri
mempelajari pengajaran dari kesilapan
menimbus kekecewaan dan dendam

Moga tiada lagi aku
bercita-cita lemas di laut
atau terlanjur menelan berlebihan pil
sungguh pelik bunyinya tetapi benar
hanya Kau saja yang mengerti
hatiku terseksa sekian lama
kini akhirnya bangkit semula
melupakan episod terakhir
dan menyambut lembaran baru…

Tuhanku Yang Maha Pengasih
rahmatMu tak terkira
syukurku melangit pun tak tercapai
sungguh aku rasa berdosa
kerana dulu sering terlalai
semoga penyesalanku kau terima…

Monday, April 18, 2011

final exam...............

semakin dekat menghampiri final exam,degupan jantungku semakin pantas.....sukar untuk diriku me expresikannya melalui kata-kata...semuanya terlalu cepat bagiku.tak cukup persediaan untuk menghadapi semua itu.time stpm dulu,mne ade macam ni..kalau x suka sesuatu subjek tu,bleh skip daripada, kalau kt univesiti ni,nak escape dari kelas punye lah susah.semua itu akan menjejaskan markah..tapi, tak pe lah..bagiku memenuhi kehendak ibu bapa tu adalah salah satu daripada jihad kita sebagai anak...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Maher Zain - Always be There!

You Raise Me Up

When I am down and all my souls surround me
And troubles come and my heart burden me
And I am still am waiting here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
You raise me up to more than I can be


I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
further and further away from you

Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank you with every breath I take

الحمد لله الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud
to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that's when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sahabat yang baik adalah sahabat yang berani membetulkan kita ketika kita berbuat kesalahan sehingga kita tidak hanyut di dalam kesalahan dan dosa.
Sahabat sejati akan meluruskan jalan ketika kita kehilangan arah dan tidak akan meninggalkan kita dalam suka, apalagi dalam duka.
Bersahabat dengan seorang yang jujur akan membuat seseorang itu senantiasa terpelihara kejujurannya.
senyum itu kelembutan
ketawa itu keriangan
namun disebaliknya.....
ada rahsia demi rahsia
"hari ini bkn semudah semalam utk bergelar manusia sempurna..byk yg perlu
dikorbankan,byk juga yg terpaksa dilepaskan..sesekali langkah tersadung,rebah
menyembah..sesekali melangkah gagah tersenyum megah dan semua itu memerlukan
pengorbanan,menentukan kesabaran dan air mata..selagi prinsip hidup berada di atas
landasan yg betul,usah di gusar pd anugerah Tuhan..anggaplah sesekali di duga itu sekadar
utk mematangkan dan mengajar kita utk bangun menjadi manusia sesempurna insan.."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Semasa anda dilahirkan, anda menangis dan orang di sekeliling anda  tersenyum. Teruskanlah hidup anda supaya apabila anda mati nanti, andalah yang akan tersenyum dan orang sekeliling anda pula yang akan menangis."
Jika kejahatan di balas kejahatan, maka itu adalah dendam. Jika kebaikan dibalas kebaikan itu adalah perkara biasa. Jika kebaikan dibalas kejahatan, itu adalah zalim. Tapi jika kejahatan dibalas kebaikan, itu adalah mulia dan terpuji."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Cintailah siapa yang ada di bumi supaya kamu akan dicintai oleh makhluk yang berada di langit " (Riwayat Tabrani)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bila engkau letih & hilang rasa semangat, Allah tahu betapa kamu telah mencuba sedaya upaya, Bila tangisan mu berpanjangan & hati mu kedukaan, Allah telah mengira titisan air mata mu, Bila engkau rasa ketinggalan & masa meninggalkan mu, Allah sentiasa disisimu, Bila engkau telah mencuba tapi tidak tahu arah tujuan, Allah ada jalan penyelesaian".
Budi orang baik ditandai dengan:
  1. memaafkan orang yang berbuat jahat
  2. Menolong orang yang tidak suka memberi pertolongan
  3. menyambung persahabatan

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


::hidup hari ini, esok belum pasti::
Ya Allah limpahi daku dengan kasih sayang-MU, agar hidupku sentiasa dalam hidayah-MU.. pimpinlah daku dengan hidayah-MU, agar aku sentiasa berada dalam redha-MU.. (:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

tips to be a good friends

Do not dispute with him and do not be hostile to him.
Do not ridicule him. Do not quarrel with him. Instead accord friends the respect they deserve.
Imam Hassan (as) Says: "Befriend people in the same manner you would like them to befriend you."
Do not hold him in contempt nor consider him to be lower than you. Instead guard the honor of your friends during their absence and after their death.
Do not claim precedence and supremacy over him. Instead forgive the short-comings of your friends, because everyone makes mistakes in life.
Do not crack indecent jokes with him.
Finally, we ask Allah (SWT) to make us of the righteous ones and give us companions that will take us away from His Wrath and lead us to His Pleasure and Paradise.

a good friends

Good friends are those who share with their companions both happiness and sadness. If we share our feelings with the wrongdoers whose actions are worthless and based on corruption, then we are following the same ways and standards as they are doing, and we will end up being as corrupt as they are, and then we are in a big trouble, how can we face Allah's (SWT) dissatisfaction and displeasure? Instead of making friends with the misguided ones we should befriend the righteous, yet treat the rest in a gracious and just manner. Staying at sufficient distance is necessary; yet treating everybody in a noble and kind manner is required.

The meaning of frienship

Friendship is such a beautiful gift. A friend in need is a friend in deed after all. A friend is a very important person in one's life. Those who have worthy friends are never lonely and friendless in the world, since in joy and sorrow, their true friends help and support them. Naturally, a human being feels happy at the companionship of friends, and is sad at being lonely and distress and having no worthy companions.

Friday, February 4, 2011

what if......

What if............ 
Friends tell you their secrets
Friends are meant to share
Friends are meant to cheer you up,
What happens when they’re not there?
Is it hard when you don’t have
Someone to lean upon?
When you need a friend to care,
but they, your friends, have gone?
What if you were split
Up from your best friend?
Do you think you’d care
If your friendship ends?
Would you slowly drift apart,
Go in separate ways?
Or would you both grow closer
Grow closer day by day?
What if your friends started
Saying things behind your back?
Would you stand and face them,
Or would your courage lack?
Perhaps it would be safer
To let your friendships mend,
Push these thoughts behind you,
And make the questions end


As I sit alone
With the warm sun on my back
I realise something’s missing
A part of me which lacks.
Could it be the trees,
Reaching for the sky?
Or could it be the children,
Walking home, who pass me by?
Perhaps, I miss the birds,
Chirping sweetly above my head?
All I feel is restlessness
A part of me is dead.
I know now what it is.
Now I realise what is wrong.
It’s the feeling, they call solitude,
All my friends are gone.
Of course I know,
That as we grow,
We have to make our way,
We all must plot a different course,
To go by everyday.
I always thought my friendships,
Would be round,
Just like the moon
But you see,
I am not ready,
For it all to end so soon.
I miss their happy laughter,
Floating on the wind.
I miss the many secrets,
That circulate within.
The only way to keep,
Our friendships woven tight,
Is to keep in contact always,
And then we'll be right!

Friendship Forever

Two inseparable friends, Sam and Jason, met with an accident on their way to Boston City. The following morning, Jason woke up blind and Sam was still unconscious. Dr. Berkeley was standing at his bedside looking at his health chart and medications with a thoughtful expression on his face. When he saw Sam awake, he beamed at him and asked." How are you feeling today Sam?" Sam tried to put up a brave face and smiled back saying, "absolutely wonderful Doctor. I am very grateful for all that you have done for me. "Dr Berkeley was moved at Sam's deed. All that he could say was, "You are a very brave man Sam and God will make it up to you in one way or another". While he was moving on to the next patient, Sam called back at him almost pleading, "promise me you won't tell Jason anything".
"You know I won't do that. Trust me." and walked away.
"Thank you " whispered Sam. He smiled and looked up in prayer " I hope I live up to your ideas...please give me the strength to be able to go through this..Amen"

Months later when Jason had recuperated considerably, he stopped hanging around with Sam. He felt discouraged and embarrassed to spend time with a disabled person like Sam.
Sam was lonely and disheartened ,since he didn't have any body else other than Jason to count on. Things went from bad to worse. And one day Sam died in despair. When Jason was called on his burial, he found a letter waiting for him. Dr Berkeley gave it to him with an expressionless face and said" This is for you Jason. Sam had asked me to give it to you when he was gone".

In the letter he had said: " Dear Jason, I have kept my promise in the end to lend you my eyes if anything had happened to them. Now there is nothing more that I can ask from God, than the fact ,that will see the world through my eyes. You will always be my best friend........Sam".
When he had finished reading Dr. Berkeley said " I had promised Sam to keep his sacrifice he made a secret from you. But now I wish I didn't stick it Because I don't think It was worthy it" .
All that was left for Jason while he stood there was tears of regret and memories of Sam for the rest of his life .

Lesson of the story: No matter what If we make a friend, we should stick by him till the end. Life is meaningless without a friend.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

apakah ciri-ciri sahabat yang baik?

               Apakah ciri-ciri seorang sahabat yang baik? Seorang bijak pandai berpesan kepada anak lelakinya: “Wahai anakku, sekiranya engkau berasa perlu untuk bersahabat dengan seseorang, maka hendaklah engkau memilih orang yang sifatnya seperti berikut:
* Jika engkau berbakti kepadanya, dia akan melindungi kamu;
* Jika engkau rapatkan persahabatan dengannya, dia akan membalas balik persahabatan kamu;
* Jika engkau memerlu pertolongan daripadanya, dia akan membantu kamu;
* Jika engkau menghulurkan sesuatu kebaikan kepadanya, dia akan menerimanya dengan baik;
* Jika dia mendapat sesuatu kebajikan (bantuan) daripada kamu, dia akan menghargai atau menyebut kebaikan kamu;
* Jika dia melihat sesuatu yang tidak baik daripada kamu, dia akan menutupnya;
* Jika engkau meminta bantuan daripadanya, dia akan mengusahakannya;
* Jika engkau berdiam diri (kerana malu hendak meminta), dia akan menayakan kesusahan kamu;
* Jika datang sesuatu bencana menimpa dirimu, dia akan meringankan kesusahan kamu;
* Jika engkau berkata kepadanya, nescaya dia akan membenarkan kamu;
* Jika engkau merancangkan sesuatu, nescaya dia akan membantu kamu;
* Jika kamu berdua berselisih faham, nescaya dia lebih senang mengalah untuk menjaga kepentingan persahabatan.
* Dia membantumu menunaikan tanggungjawab serta melarang melakukan perkara buruk dan maksiat
* Dia mendorongmu mencapai kejayaan didunia dan akhirat


The perfect friend

I thought I had found the perfect friend,
But it only took about a week for that to end,
I thought there was hope left in my life,
But as it turns out, it was only added strife,
I thought for once I had done something right,
But I quickly corrected that oversight,
I thought I wasn’t useless or a bore,
But I was all that and even more,
I thought there was a purpose to my days,
But that was only a very short phase,
I thought you weren’t like all the rest,
But like those before, you failed the test,
I thought you would stay with me, at least for a bit,
But you decided it was better just to quit,
I thought life was worth living for a moment in time,
But the life I wanted could never be mine,
I thought the hunger inside had been fed,
But now I know, I was just being misled.
And now I think I’ve found another perfect friend,
How long before my heart is broken again



Thank you for always being there,
To listen and understand me.
I appreciate all you did for me,
And all you still do.

Thank you for making me feel whole again,
For putting my pieces back together.
I appreciate you putting my life back together,
You saved my life.

You may not understand,
Why I do what I do.
But you never criticized,
You just helped my through.

I knew I could come to you when I was down,
'cause I knew you'd always be there
to pick me back up
and say everything will be ok.


 need to know if you’re my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?
Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you’ll keep?
We are neither of us without our flaws,
can you accept mine as I will yours?
I’ll be a shoulder to cry on when you’re blue,
will you be there for me when I need you?
No matter how busy I will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?
I will take your hand and comfort your tears,
will you hold me and soothe my fears?
I will give you joy and many warm smiles,
can we share that even across many miles?
I will not forget what’s important to you,
will you remember what’s important to me too?
With you my most favourite things I’ll share,
If only I know do you truly care?
If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true.